Thursday, November 10, 2022

2022-2023 Teacher Negotiations Update

The District and GRTA held their fourth negotiations meeting on Thursday, November 10, 2022, for 2022-2023 contract reopeners. 

Both parties passed proposals on reopener articles including salary and benefits.  The District is concerned with recent data from the County showing low student test scores for English/Language Arts and Math, placing the District at 19 out of 20 when compared to other school districts in the County.  To address concerns with this data, the District again proposed adding one professional development day to the work year for 2023-2024, going from 184 to 185 like other higher-performing districts in the county.  The additional day could be used to provide targeted training to teachers. This proposal was not accepted by GRTA.

As an incentive to gain GRTA’s agreement to adding the one professional development day, the District offered the following last, best, final compensation proposal:

A 10% increase to the salary schedule, retroactive to July 1, 2022.

This proposal was not accepted by GRTA. Accordingly, the District will be unable to issue retroactive checks to unit members before the Holiday break. 

The District is committed to collaborating with GRTA to address student performance. The District and GRTA will continue to bargain in good faith on November 17, 2022.